Values and commitment

The purpose of the Somfy Foundation



The Somfy Foundation is helping to build a better world for future generations. A world where we would each have access to healthy and sustainable living spaces that respect people and the environment.

The Somfy Corporate Foundation provides financial support, as well as skills sponsorship, for projects enabling everyone to have access to healthy and sustainable living spaces that respect people and the environment.

The Somfy Corporate Foundation is committed to associations and local players who seek to provide dignified living conditions for everyone, in particular by promoting access to decent and sustainable housing, better social integration or a healthier environment.

The Somfy Corporate Foundation sees these themes as determining factors in the better living of the planet, and supports initiatives that place these themes at the heart of their action. The objective is to weave, day after day, the bonds of humanity that form the basis of a balanced society.

Elle soutient l’action d’acteurs engagés, agissant au plus près du terrain pour apporter des solutions en favorisant les rencontres entre les catégories sociales et les générations.

A titre exceptionnel, la Fondation d’Entreprise Somfy souhaite également soutenir l’accès à un habitat d’urgence pour les populations vivant dans les régions du monde victimes de catastrophes naturelles ou de conflits.

Values and Commitment



The Somfy Foundation has renewed its multi-year program for the period 2021-2024 to support associations in their projects. Every day, the Somfy Foundation makes a commitment to associations through two types of action: financial sponsorship and human sponsorship

The Somfy Foundation places associations at the heart of its action and works to provide them with support in line with their needs. To achieve this, the synergy between financial and human sponsorship is reflected in each of its support programs (Les Petites Pierres and A House is A Home).

Coordinating these two levers of action is essential in order to provide assistance that is as close as possible to the needs of those involved in the associative world.

 Financial Patronage

to promote and work with projects around housing

 Financial Patronage

475 projects supported since 2011

5979354 provided to charities since 2011


Through skills patronage and volunteering


missions supported since 2012


employees took part in skills patronage

Alarming figures
in France

In France, 4 million people are homeless or with inadequate housing and 12 million people are affected by the housing crisis according to the Abbé Pierre Foundation's  annual report on poor housing.
Faced with this challenge Somfy Foundation works closely with non-profit associations and local actors to give everyone the dignity they deserve. It all aims at facilitating access to decent housing.

Taking housing as a key factor Somfy Foundation supports initiatives and actions that promote stronger social ties through decent housing. The aim is to create stronger social ties between vulnerable people and the society.

The objectives of the operational team are to implement the foundation's policy and to develop long-lasting relationships with partners identified as stakeholders and project managers. This contributes to promote the values of solidarity within the company.

How do we work

To select promising initiatives and support project managers, the Somfy Foundation relies on its operational team and its Board of director which is made up of company employees and housing experts. 

Our Board of Directors

The Board takes ownership of the governance and the general policy of Somfy Foundation.

It approves the budget and the strategic orientations given by the operational team. It is made up of 8 members : four
employees’ representatives and four external public figures all expert in their field. The Board meets up three times a year.

  • Jean Guillaume DESPATURE

    President of the SOMFY Foundation & Chairman and Chief Executive officer Somfy Group

    The objective of the Somfy Foundation is, thus, to recreate social link by housing. The Companies, cannot, today, be satisfied any more with their simple economic role but must begin as actors of the social life. It is this value of commitment sociétale, which makes the raison d'être of the Somfy Foundation.


    Somfy Foundation Treasurer - Environmental Performance Project Manager



    Secretary of the Somfy Foundation - Jurist

  • Marine MORAIN


    Architect at Arbor&Sens, Marine Morain has experience in architectural and urban design as well as ecological and participatory approaches. Marine works closely with public and private clients to design buildings and sustainable neighbourhoods (High Environmental Quality). Her areas of expertise include sustainable architecture, participatory architecture, energy performance and comfort, and the quality of interior atmospheres. In 2016, Marine Morain won the AMO Habitat Architecture Environnement Prize. This is the only major national architecture prize that is jointly awarded to the architect and the client.

  • Philippe DERUMIGNY

    Honorary Prefect

    In a fast-changing world - in all senses of the word - I am convinced that tackling the inadequate housing issue is something we should all be involved in. "Les Petites Pierres" endowment fund is the foundation of our response and on which all else rests.
    Our commitment to a new social dynamic based on Solidarity
    A community of stakeholders willing to work together on a shared citizenship project
    Implementing projects financed by crowdfunding, which makes it so easy for people to be generous.
    For these reasons, I am totally committed to and enthusiastic about this corporate approach, which is committed to "living better together" by tackling inadequate housing


    Founder’s employee representative - Director of Somfy France

  • Philippe Geoffroy

    Director of Intellectual Property and Industrial Innovation

  • Valérie Dixmier

    Head Human Resources & Organisation Somfy

Our operational team

The operational team is in charge of implementing the foundation's policy.

Its work is based on developing long-lasting relationships with the various stakeholders and project managers working in the Foundation's action areas.

  • Etienne Bourgeois

    CSR Director

  • Florence Hendrycks

    Digital Manager

  • Barbara Pochat

    Employee Engagement Manager